GST Transition plans issued by CBIC-press release.
There are three main components for the new return,One main return and two annexures.
Form GST RET -1
Form GST ANX-1
Form GST ANX-2
From July 19 users would be able to upload invoices using the FormGST ANX-1 offline tool on trial basis.Using Form GST RET -2 users canview and down load inward invoices using offline tool underĀ trial programme.
July to sept 19 new return Anx- and 2 will be available for trial.During this period use GSTR1 and 3B for compliance.
From oct 19 Anx-1 will be compulsory for filing details of GSTR_1 and for quarterly return for Oct 19 to Dec 19 of small business having turnover upto Rs 5 crore in previous financial year need to file only in Jan 2020.
FORM GST ANX2 may be viewed simultaneously during this period but no action shall be allowed on such FORM GST-ANX-2.
For October and November, 2019, large taxpayers would continue to file FORM
GSTR-3B on monthly basis. They would file their first FORM GST RET-01 for the month of
December, 2019 by 20th January, 2020.
The small taxpayers would stop filing FORM GSTR-3B and would start filing
FORM GST PMT-08 from October, 2019 onwards. They would file their first FORM GST-RET-01
for the quarter October, 2019 to December, 2019 from 20th January, 2020.
From January, 2020 onwards, all taxpayers shall be filing FORM GST RET-01 and
FORM GSTR-3B shall be completely phased out.